So we moved.

Posted by Fabulous on 7:26 PM in , ,
Some of you may be completely new readers, others may have some over from my old blog. I had to move. Why did I move? I have a co-worker (Drama Queen (DQ))who when she doesn't get her way will go out of her way in order to try to make everyone's life hell. She has a personal issue with me and in explaining her issues she decides to inform my boss of things I've written on my Facebook, on my Twitter, and of course on my blog...although none of my blog posts have ever been about her.

DQ and I got into a disagreement last week regarding the wording of an email. Yes, she thought that my email was too harshly toned and that it upset a customer of ours. I forwarded the email to my boss so that he could see that and he agreed with me that my tone was not harsh at all. She got offended that my boss sided with me and she made it very clear in an email that she sent him that I was NOT supposed to see but did see.

DQ also claims that I am using my pregnancy and my emotions as an excuse to be bitchy, childish, immature ETC. That is complete bull shit. I have NEVER been less than professional when working with anyone. Hey, if I can work with NSF and SUB and remain professional then I should honestly be considered for sainthood...but I've done it. I've never not been professional.

So in her latest email DQ claims that she understands EXACTLY how I feel as she is also 2.5 months pregnant. So can you please explain this to me? She's 2.5 months pregnant but shes advertising on Facebook how she got completely shit faced over the weekend and how she wants a pre birthday party (drinking drinking drinking). I would understand all of this if she didn't KNOW she was pregnant but according to this email she knows shes pregnant. My guess is that DQ is lying about being pregnant and is going to use the excuse of traveling for work, dealing with sick parents, and of course stress at work as why she had a miscarriage. If she does that it is extremely low and disgusting. What kind of a human being lies about stuff like that?

Some people wait a really long time to get pregnant, others can't get pregnant and go through tons of treatments to get pregnant and then you have people who LIE about it. Maybe she isn't lying about it. Maybe DQ is pregnant but to be pregnant and know about it and to post about how drunk you always are and how you plan on getting drunk...we'll thats just shady and in that case you don't deserve children.

So for those of you who are old followers, this is my new blog and I would really prefer if you didn't address me by my name on here. I want this to remain as anoymous as possible because I don't want people from work to be able to point to something I've written on my blog and try to use it against me in my work enviorment.

Thanks for your understanding and please be sure to follow this blog. I promise it will be just as fabulous as my old blog :)

Lots of Love!

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